What happens to my pension? – Pensions are dividable and usually classified as matrimonial property, which means property of the marriage, thus being dividable based off the years you were together.
How long does the process take? – Typically if you are divorcing it takes a minimum of one year living separate and apart before the divorce can be complete. The length of the process will depend on how well you and your ex –spouse (or lawyers) can work together. Once all issues are agreed upon the process can be complete after the year of living separate and apart. If there is high conflict it can take much longer, and there are some rare circumstances where you can apply to have it complete in less than one year.
Does someone cheating impact support or property division? – No. If someone cheats or leaves the relationship unilaterally it does not impact support obligations or property division directly.
What’s the best place to start? – Finances are a great place to start. Gathering income information, debt information, and the value of all property mutually owned is a great spot to get started with. This will also help lawyer’s work towards possible settlements and avoid going to court.